Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Chicken soup with rice

It turns out that I'm not a foodie.

Really not, and probably never will be.

I'm just not discerning and energetic enough; I like too many things. You won't find me standing in line for the best Vietnamese sandwich, or whipping out my iPhone to hunt down the best eats in one hundred yards. I love to eat, but I'd be happy dining in our same three local restaurants for the rest of my life.*

This is kind of disappointing, but it's time to face the facts.

The best meal I've had in Rio was room service at the Hotel Atlantico Copacabana: an enormous bowl of chicken-rice-vegetable soup, with garlic bread and a cold beer from the mini-bar. I'm not kidding, this was the best. The best for that moment, and probably for the whole trip. It was really hot, amazingly well made, and absolutely comforting.

If I come to visit you, I will try your local specialty. I'll sample your durian, your fetal duck egg, your goulash, your banana leaf breakfasts and your mescal. I'll probably enjoy most of it! I'll certainly appreciate your hospitality, and If you come to visit me, I'll do my best.

(But don't expect too much.)

*Just in case you're interested in the favorites of a non-foodie, these are all in GrĂ cia: Gado Gado (Thai and Indonesian), ChidoOne (Mexican) and Cafe Godot (Catalan/European). 

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